Friday, November 14, 2008

DotA 6.57 AI Map AiPlus Free Download


DotA 6.57b Map Free Download is quite a balanced map. I believe the AiPlus of DotA 6.57b Map will be really fun. =)


DotA 6.57b AI Map AiPlus Free Download

DotA 6.57b Map Free Download



DotA 6.57b Map Free Download


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DotA Allstars 6.57b Changelogs

* Fixed a few critical bugs that could cause some abilities to malfunction

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

DotA 6.57 AI Map AiPlus Free Download


DotA 6.57 Map Free Download is quite a balanced map. I believe the AiPlus of DotA 6.57 Map will be really fun. =)


DotA 6.57 AI Map AiPlus Free Download

DotA 6.57 Map Free Download



DotA 6.57 Map Free Download


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DotA Allstars 6.57 Changelogs

* Changed how -sd hero selection works. The three heroes are now added as icons to select from your circle of power
* Lots of fixes and improvements to the translation capacity of the map
* Fixed a few Warcraft 1.20e specific bugs for Chinese community
* Some performance improvements (more coming in the near future)
* Your Circle of Power now has 6 inventory slots. The items it has are now abilities instead. You cannot pickup items that you don't own with Circle of Power
* Items drop on top of your Circle of Power if a unit is not there instead of making a big pile in the center

* Improved Shallow Grave cooldown
* Increased the bounty on Power Cogs a little bit
* Decreased Clockwerk's Intelligence gain slightly
* Increased Hookshot manacost from 125 to 150
* Scaled the cooldown on Eclipse from 140 seconds for all levels to 160/150/140 seconds
* Eclipse no longer continues after death, Beam interval is increased from 0.5 to 0.6 seconds
* Improved Windrunner cooldown
* Lowered Admiral Proudmoore's base Intelligence and intelligence gain
* Decreased X Marks The Spot duration
* Added manacost to manual return ability of X Marks The Spot
* Increased Ghost Ship's manacost
* Lowered Omniknight's base movement speed by 5
* Increased Rhasta's base strength
* Improved AOE on Fervor
* Improved Dark Seer's cast animation point
* Increased length of Wall of Replica slightly
* Lowered bonus damage per second on early levels of Geostrike
* Tweaks to Shackleshot angle and area check mechanism
* Slightly improved Shackleshot duration and cd
* Improved Mass Serpent Wards' cooldown
* Reduced Haunt Illusions' damage from 50% to 40%
* Haunt now has a 1 second delay during which they fade in before the images start attacking the targets
* Improved Thunder Clap AOE
* Improve Primal Split's manacost and cooldown scaling per level
* Improved Life Break
* Improved Slardar's Cast Point
* Increased Command Aura's AOE
* Reworked Voodoo Restoration stats
* Minor improvements to Glyph of Fortification
* Courier now costs 200 gold
* Improved Eidolons damage type progression
* Lowered Lycan's Wolves Hitpoints
* Lowered base armor on Lycan and his wolves by 2
* Increased Empowering Haste's AOE
* Improved Aphotic Shield's life from 100/125/150/175 to 110/140/170/200
* Increased Kelen's Dagger cooldown from 15 to 18

* Circle of Power is now selected for each player at the start of the game
* Added disablehelp for X Marks the Spot
* Fixed some issues with the tree layout near the center scourge neutral camp
* Slight adjustment of top scourge tower position
* Your Circle of Power is more visible than your allies'
* Undid the previous minimap change due to concerns from different leagues
* Tweaked the bash values on Roshan
* Moved Glyph of Fortification from an item to an ability on your Circle of Power to prevent some abuses possible by the enemy
* Added Disablehelp for Keeper of the Light's Recall
* Added new hero sounds to -quote (Ogre Magi, Techies, Blademaster, Panda) and it now also tells you which number it played if u randomed with it
* Changed Windrunner's soundset

* Adjusted neutral pullability area for the Scourge ancients a bit
* Fixed camera movement issues when multiple Meepos respawn with Aegis of Immortal
* Fixed scoreboard consumables count
* Fixed static field doing a small amount more than what the tooltip says
* Fixed BKB being droppable after use when it's duration is decreasing
* Fixed the text display in -sc
* Fixed a bug with Phase Boots and Puck's Phase
* Fixed Phase Boots triggering Last Word
* Fixed some issues with the creep pathing on the bottom Sentinel wave
* Fixed a bug in Death Match that allows you to rebuy the same hero again
* Fixed Observer Board not showing up from a reloaded game in -cm
* Fixed hero respawn issues in regular dm (not dmap or dmar)
* Fixed Dust of Appearance tooltip not showing cooldown
* Fixed an old issue with dropping items away from you while under Berserker's Call pull
* Prevented Flying Courier from using dust of appearance
* Fixed an issue with Dawn Tavern being disabled when repicking in normal mode
* Fixed the RD spot not being marked as unexplored for scourge players after the draft phase
* Fixed a rare bug with Psionic Trap count limit not being enforced
* Fixed a test game only bug that caused the tower deaths to not register properly in single player
* Fixed a bug with Aegis of Immortal not setting proper mana on Meepo clones
* Fixed some performance related bugs with Admiral Proudmoore
* Fixed a bug with Power Treads and Essence Aura
* Fixed some minor bugs with the manabase on Primal Split's level 1 and 2 Earth
* Fixed Sange sell cost
* Fixed some minor issues with Phase Boots
* Fixed Kelen's Dagger being undroppable for the same old cooldown values
* Fixed Windrunner not appearing in -sd or -ai
* Fixed a Drop Items bug with courier and Aegis of Immortal
* Fixed a bug in some game modes where Kelen's Dagger had a small chance to not register properly and get disabled on incoming damage
* Fixed some rare bugs with the combination of Dispersion and Starfall
* Fixed some group selection inconsistencies with Primal Split units
* Fixed Windrunner to not cancel your movement command
* Fixed Phase Boots from canceling Curse of the Silent
* Fixed a bug with X Marks The Spot and Primal Split
* Fixed some issues with super creeps (in -sc) getting stuck
* Fixed Shackleshot and Nature's Guise to work on Sprout trees
* Fixed a recent bug with the -courier command
* Fixed Torrent buff icon
* Added -cm to -gameinfo
* Fixed being able to buy from secret shop from the area above Roshan
* Fixed some group selection priority issues with Circle of Power and the shops

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

DotA 6.55 Map Free Download



DotA 6.55 Map Free Download


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DotA Allstars 6.55 Changelogs

* Added a new hero (Windrunner)
* Added a new hero (Admiral Proudmoore)
* Added a new item (Magic Stick,239688)
* Added a new item (Dust of Appearance)
* Added a new item (Phase Boots)
* Added a new item (Glyph of Fortification)

* New Loading Screen
* Redesigned and improved Sentinel and Scourge bases as well as nearby terrain
* Added a new game mode (-captainsmode/-cm)
* Rewrote creep/neutral/powerup spawn systems. The game timer now counts down to 0, at which point the creeps and powerups spawn. 30 seconds later the neutrals spawn. This behavior is the same as various popular modes, but it is now standardized to the entire game with the new clock. All game events are based off of this time rather than an arbitrary time based on the mode you used.
* Lots of various performance improvements and fixes

* Reworked Keeper of the Light
* Various changes to Enchantress's abilities
* Reworked Bounty Hunter's Track
* Rebalanced Insatiable Hunger
* Reduced vision aoe on Spin Webs and tweaked cooldown and manacost progression
* Minor improvements to Anti-Mage's base stats
* Tweaked Blur evasion chance per level
* Reworked Call of the Wild stats and mechanics
* Decreased Watcher's vision a little bit
* Increased Rhasta's movement speed a bit
* Improved Crystal Maiden's Brilliance Aura a bit
* Minor improvement to early levels of Bloodbath
* Increased Spirit Lance cast range a bit
* Improved Sven's Agility gain
* Increased Sand King's armor a bit
* Changed SA's Blink Strike to move him behind the target(231470)
* Lowered Chaos Meteor cooldown from 70 to 55
* Rebalanced Haunt cooldown (150/120/90 -> 120)
* Improved how the manacost scales on Crippling Fear
* Improved level 2 and 3 manacost and regen on Death Pact
* Improved Psionic Trap's cooldown progression
* Nerfed the duration on Battery Assault
* Increased Hookshot cooldown
* Quill Spray manacost no longer goes up per level
* Decreased day vision on Visage's Revenants by 400
* Removed magic immunity from level 3 Revenants and added improved magic resistance
* Improved movement speed of the ghosts on Exorcism a bit
* Undid previous damage return threshold change on Exorcism
* Increased Death Prophet's base strength a bit
* Added an extra arrow to Medusa's Split Shot
* Rescaled Medusa's Purge cooldown from 12/11/10 to 12/10/8 seconds
* Reduced Chronosphere cooldown
* Ravage AOE decreased for level 1 and 2
* Decreased Guardian Angel AOE and duration a bit

* Changed how Scroll of Town Portal works
* Reworked Black King Bar
* Rebalanced Sange, Yasha, and Sange and Yasha
* Changed Lothar's Edge Recipe
* Changed Diffusal Blade Recipe
* Changed Maelstrom Recipe
* Aegis now respawns you where you died with full hp and mana but is undroppable and unstackable. Roshan takes it back when he respawns if it is unused
* The game now announces who acquires Aegis
* Increased Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse cooldown
* Tweaked Manta Style
* Reduced Kelen's Dagger cooldown from 30 to 15 seconds
* Kelen's Dagger now only triggers on player controlled damage
* Changed Max Stock on Observer Wards to 2
* Decreased Sentry Ward's truesight range
* Couriers can no longer place wards
* Blades of Attack price reduction (650->500)
* Chainmail price reduction (620->550)
* Gloves of Haste price reduction (550->500)
* Increased Armlet recipe cost by the same amount Blades of Attack and Gloves of Haste were reduced
* Increased Power Treads recipe cost by the same amount Gloves of Haste was reduced
* Increased Vanguard hitpoints by 50
* Increased Boots of Travel movement speed by 5
* Boots of Travel now takes the same time as scrolls teleport (4->3 seconds)
* Increased Heart's regeneration rate from 11 to 15
* Added Scroll of Town Portal to Goblin Shop replacing Javelin
* Added Ring of Regeneration to Goblin Shop replacing Hyperstone
* Added Magic Stick to Goblin Shop replacing Gloves of Haste
* Rebalanced tangos to come in batches of 3 (same overall regen per pack)

* When there is only 1 Assist to a Sentinel or Scourge kill, the kill is
instead given to that hero. When there are multiple assists to a Sentinel or
Scourge kill, the gold is split amongst those assisters rather than the
entire team
* Changed First Blood to be given to the Assist players when creeps kill the
hero rather than giving it to Sentinel or Scourge and splitting
* Tower gold is split if Sentinel or Scourge gets the last hit
* Denied towers give 50% team gold rather than 0%.
* Changed and standardized the bounty values on all structures
* Slight adjustments to gold bounty variance on Sentinel and Scourge creeps
* Global team tower bounty increases a little per tower level
* Roshan now gradually becomes stronger over time instead of after death
* Increased Hero Kill Experience bonus a little bit (+8 unshared experience per hero level in an area)
* Hero Kills now give a flat gold bounty in an area (+40, not to killer)

* You can now purchase items in your base without a courier (they drop to the floor)
* Improved image compression used in the map (243150)
* Added a new command -quote # that plays a hero quote, -quote random will play a random hero quote. The quote entry method will be improved when more heroes are added. It has Witch Doctor, Nightstalker, Alchemist, Silencer, Sniper and Rhasta right now, i will add more over time
* Changed the Goblin Shops terrain a bit and increase the shop aoe
* Buyback is now done at your Circle of Power
* Shops can be added to control groups
* Added new flavor texts to some items (Magical Bottle, Refresher Orb, Eye of Skadi, Blade Mail, Gem of True Sight, Null Talisman, Staff of Wizardry, Scroll of Town Portal, Belt of Giant Strength, Point Booster, Energy Booster, Vitality Booster, Soul Booster and Tangos)
* Fixed an old Viper Strike glitch
* Reduced extra damage taken by Rune Illusions
* Added a new command to swap items (-itemswap x y where x and y correspond to numbpad location) inventory slots primarily for when dealing with undroppable items or items in cooldown
* Fixed some bugs with -kickafk
* Changed Sentinel consumable shop model
* Couriers now have a "Drop All Items" ability
* Added a buff indicator for Blur
* Added soundsets to the shops for when you select them
* Adjusted Blur's visuals for self/allies
* Changed -SD time to be the same as AP
* Fixed Maledict effect sometimes getting stuck on a hero
* Fixed a potential bug with Devour and Decrepify
* Fixed Illuminate's interaction with Cliffs and units very close to it
* Fixed some performance issues with Nature's Attendants
* Changed the World Tree/Frozen Throne tower models (236560)
* Added an undead crown model to King Leoric (205388)
* Improved Glaives of Wisdom projectile (219546)
* Lots of various terrain fixes and improvements
* Fixed minor bug with Alchemist's starting strength
* Improved Magnus movement animation (189265)
* Added an allied only visual effect to Charge of Darkness (219684)
* Improved Black Hole visual effect
* Added new animation for Night Stalker during the night (213624)
* Renamed the "new" recipe shop
* Added a new command for viewing your Hook Accuracy (-ha)
* Added post creepspawn gametime to replay data for parsers
* Fixed a very minor rounding issue for -ms
* Fixed Blackhole to properly pull Infernal
* Fountain heal range increased by a small amount
* Added a message to show who killed a tower
* Fixed a terrain glitch near the Scourge Secret Shop
* Added a new mode -fastrespawn(-fr) that causes respawns to take half as much time
* Clicking Power Treads no longer interrupts commands
* Removed Crow's mana upgrade capability
* Fixed some targetting issues on the World Tree (PGRu-Unexpect3D)
* Updated King Leoric's story (235450)
* Fixed some performance issues with Freezing Field
* Added Hero ID data to the replay
* Fixed a bug when entering -di before the game mode is entered
* -sc mode now spawns same creeps in the same lane
* Revenants can no longer attack items
* Added a test mode command -trees to respawn all dead trees instantly
* Fixed a bug with Holy Persuation and Infest

Some Item Details:
This is not a full list of changes, see the above changelog for that. These are just some of the changes in more detail.

Blades of Attack:
Blades of Attack 650 -> 500
Dagon recipe unchanged (so total cost is 150 less)
Crystalys recipe unchanged (so total cost is 150 less)
Armlet recipe is 150 more gold

Gloves of Haste:
Gloves of haste 550->500
Midas recipe is unchanged (so total cost is 50 less)
Treads recipe is 50 more gold
Armlet recipe is 50 more gold

Chainmail 620->550
Buckler/Mekansm recipes are unchanged (so total cost is 70 less)
Blademail recipes are unchanged (so total cost is 70 less)
Assault Cuirass recipes are unchanged (so total cost is 70 less)

Gives 50 more hitpoints

Kelen's Dagger:
Only gets disabled from player based damage
Reduced cooldown from 30 to 15 seconds

Ogre Axe (1000)
Broadsword (1200)
Recipe (1600)
18 Damage
10 Strength
85 seconds cooldown
9 seconds
Total: 3800

Ogre Axe(1000)
Mithril Hammer (1610)
Recipe (1300)
24 Damage
10 Strength
80/75/70/65/60/55 seconds cooldown
10/9/8/7/6/5 seconds
Total: 3910

Old TP Scroll:
Only 1 person can target a specific building
Gave massive bonus armor
Gave bonus regardless of casting state
12 second shop cooldown

New TP Scroll:
Any number of people can teleport at the same location at the same time.
You can choose the relative area around the structure that you want to TP
Only allies see the exact position, your enemies see it on the building
Does not give any bonus armor
If structure dies while you are tping, the tp does not force cancel
2 second shop cooldown
Available in Goblin Shops

Old Boots of Travel:
+85 Movement Speed
4 Sec Casting Time
60 Cooldown
75 Manacost

New Boots of Travel:
+90 Movement Speed
3 Sec Casting Time
60 Cooldown
75 Manacost

Old Lothar's Edge:
Blades of Alacrity (1000)
Blades of Alacrity (1000)
Claymore (1400)
Recipe (650)
+21 Damage
+21 Agility
Wind Walk (Active, 9 duration, 17 cd, 75 manacost, 20% ms bonus)
Total: 4050

New Lothar's Edge:
Mithril Hammer (1610)
Quarterstaff (900)
Scroll (1100)
+38 Damage
+10 Attack Speed
Wind Walk (Active, 9 duration, 20 cd, 75 manacost, 20% ms bonus)
Total: 3610

Old Maelstrom:
Mithri Hammer (1610)
Boots of Elvenskin (450)
Recipe (1300)
Total: 3360

New Maelstrom:
Claymore (1400)
Boots of Elvenskin (450)
Recipe (1400)
Total: 3250

Old Diffusal Blade:
Blades of Alacrity (1000)
Robe of the Magi (450)
Recipe (1550)
+15 Agility
+6 Intelligence
18 Mana Burn
Total: 3000

New Diffusal Blade:
Blades of Alacrity (1000)
Blades of Alacrity (1000)
Robe of the Magi (450)
Recipe (850)
+25 Agility
+6 Intelligence
20 Mana Burn
Total: 3300

Old Manta:
Diffusal Blade (3000)
Vitality Booster (1100)
Recipe (1400)
+23 Agility
+6 Intelligence
+250 HP
36 Mana Burn
Total: 5500

New Manta:
Diffusal Blade (3300)
Vitality Booster (1100)
Recipe (1400)
+30 Agility
+6 Intelligence
+250 HP
40 Mana Burn
Total: 5800

Old Sange:
16 Strength
10% Maim (10% ms slow for 6 seconds)
10 Damage
Ogre Axe (1000)
Belt of Giant Strength (450)
Recipe (800)
Total: 2250

New Sange:
16 Strength
15% Maim (20% ms slow for 4 seconds)
10 Damage
Ogre Axe (1000)
Belt of Giant Strength (450)
Recipe (800)
Total: 2250

Old Yasha:
16 Agility
10% Attack Speed
10% Movement Speed
Blades of Alacrity (1000)
Boots of Elvenskin (450)
Recipe (800)
Total: 2250

New Yasha:
16 Agility
15% Attack Speed
10% Movement Speed
Blades of Alacrity (1000)
Boots of Elvenskin (450)
Recipe (800)
Total: 2250

Old Sange and Yasha:
16 Strength
16 Agility
15% Maim (30% ms slow for 6 seconds)
15% Attack Speed
15 Damage
15% Movement Speed
Sange (2250)
Yasha (2250)
Recipe: 800
Total: 5300

New Sange and Yasha:
16 Strength
16 Agility
15% Maim (30% ms slow, 15% as slow for 4 seconds)
15% Attack Speed
12 Damage
12% Movement Speed
Sange (2250)
Yasha (2250)
Recipe (500)
Total: 5000

MS bonus does not stack with Yasha

Old Sentry Wards:
Vision: 200
Truesight: 1100
Cost: 200
Charges: 2
Lasts 6 minutes

New Sentry Wards:
Vision: 200
Truesight: 700
Cost: 200
Charges: 2
Lasts 3 minutes

Old Observer Wards:
Vision: 1600
Cost: 200
Charges: 2
Lasts 6 minutes
Max Stock: 3
Stock Cooldown: 6 minutes

New Observer Wards:
Vision: 1600
Cost: 200
Charges: 2
Lasts 6 minutes
Max Stock: 2
Stock Cooldown: 6 minutes

Dust of Appearance:
2 charge consumable. Does not stack in inventory.
Places a buff on nearby enemy units (1250 aoe). Only affects heroes (not
wards). While you have the dust of appearance buff, invisibility will have
no effect. This does not mean you are tracked, you aren't visible to enemy
if you are fogged. It just prevents invisibility.
Lasts 12 seconds. 60 CD
190 Gold

Magic Stick:
Cost: 210 Gold
Energy Charge (Does not stack)
When enemy or ally (not self) casts a spell around you (1400), you gain 1
charge. Maximum 12 charges. When you cast the item, you instantly regenerate
12 hp and 12 mana for each charge.
This does not trigger off of non-spells or attack orbs

Phase Boots:
70 Movement Speed
+7 Armor
+16 Damage
Phase (Active, 5 duration 10 cd):
Gives no collision with units
10% movement increase
Casting spells or items dispells phase

Boots of Speed (500)
Blades of Attack (500)
Chainmail (610)
Total: 1610

Glyph of Fortification:
Consumable Item - Instant cast, does not go to inventory.
Cost: None
Cooldown: 6 Minutes
Stock Max: 1

Gives Old TP Scroll style bonus armor to all allied buildings for 4 seconds.

Some Hero Details:
This is not a full list of changes, see the above changelog for that. These
are just some of the changes in more detail.

++ Keeper of the Light

It now gives vision gradually as it grows in the area it is "illuminating"
rather than at the end.
Fixed Illuminate's interaction with Cliffs and units very close to it

Mana Leak:
In short, a mana rupture. The numbers are 0.035/0.04/0.045/0.050% of total
manapool drained per unit moved. So, if the target moves 700 units, at level
1 it loses 24.5% of total mana pool.. at level 4 it loses 35% of its total
mana pool. Duration of the buff is 5/6/7/8

If the target runs out of mana, the effect stops and the target is stunned
for 1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds.

Cast Range: 1200
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Manacost: 75

Increased cast range(500->900), lowered cooldown a bit(19->19/18/17/16
seconds), rescaled manacost (40/80/100/120->40/55/70/85), removed the damage
bonus and minor health regen.

Spirit Form:
Morphs into a new unit, same stats/items as kotl. Gives him extra abilities.
He has ALL his abilities in this new form.

Manacost: 100
Cooldown: 80/70/60 seconds
Duration: 40 seconds

Blinding Light:
-Targets a 650 aoe. Causes units in the targetted area become blinded,
causing them to miss 80% of attacks for some time. Knocks back units 250
distance over 0.4 seconds.
-Cast Range: 600
-Mancost: 50 Manacost
-Cooldown: 20 seconds
-Duration: 3/4/5 seconds

-Teleports an allied hero to you after 5/4/3 seconds. If the unit takes
player based damage in this period, the effect ends.
-Mancost: 100
-Cooldown: 40

-Causes illuminate to self charge when cast in spirit form. You can
discharge it by clicking on a temporary replacement icon that appears in
your ability card.

++ Enchantress

It now is a normal skill and scales 30/50/70/90% from 50/70/90%

Creep control duration reduced from 120 to 80 seconds.

This is now the ultimate. Bonus Damage 15%/20%/25%, Manacost is 55/60/65 and
Cooldown is 0 seconds on all levels. As an ultimate it now pierces magic

++ Bounty Hunter


The movement bonus is now given in an area around the tracked unit to all
allied units. The bonus bounty is given to bounty hunter as long as the
target dies while under the buff, the killer is not a factor. See tooltip
for more data. Costs 50 mana all levels.

++ Broodmother

Reduced vision
Cooldown from 90/75/60/45 to 90/70/50/30 seconds
Manacost from 140 to 50

Insatiable Hunger:
Was 60/75/90 bonus damage with 40/60/80% lifesteal for 20 seconds
Now 60/80/100 bonus damage with 40/55/70% lifesteal for 12 seconds

++ Beast Master

Call Of The Wild:
Greater Hawk:
No permanent invisibility. Has an active invisibility: duration 5 seconds 1
second fadetime, 30 cooldown
25 -> 200 hp
100 -> 40 bounty
280 -> 400 ms

Greater Quillbeast 700 -> 500 hp
Cooldown: 45/50/55/60 -> 40 seconds
Duration: 60/70/80/90 -> 60 seconds

Captains Mode:

Blue and Pink are the team captains. A random side starts the process(you
can customize this, see below)

Ban Time: 40
Pick Time: 60
Extra Time: 45

You start by alternating 1/1/1 in the ban phase. Each captain removes up to
4 heroes. Running out of time does not result in a random hero ban.

After that you enter the 1/2/2/ pick phase. Each captain picks the heroes
his team will use.

If at any time you run out of time, you start to use up your extra time. If
you run out and you are in pick phase, you get a random hero.

Creeps spawn 90 seconds after the pick draft phase is over. Right after the
hero pick phase ends, the 5 heroes for your team are presented with a
checkmark on them (RD style) allowing players on your team to pick which one
they want to be.

The captain that starts this process is random. If you want to give the
starting to Sentinel, type -cm 1 or -cm 2 for Scourge after the game mode is

The picks, bans, timers, etc are all presented in a board for easy viewing
by team mates and observers.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

DotA Map 6.55 Beta7 Free Download



DotA Map 6.55 Beta7 Free Download


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DotA Allstars 6.55 Beta7 Changelogs

  • Have a close look on the Black King Bar. It's a very interresting change

  • Towers protecting tree and throne has been changed

  • Ezalor's Mana Leak and Ignis Fatuus have been changed...

  • Mana Leak is now "Mana Rupture", which does what it says; it's like Rupture of Bloodseeker, only MP is damaged instead of HP.
  • Ignis now no longer spawns the healers, instead it has:

  • Blinding Light; which affects like an area similar to Shiva's Guard, and it blinds enemies affects by 80% for 5 seconds, and knocks back as well...
    and another ability (which will most likely be edited like hell)

  • Recall; the Ignis channels for 4 seconds, targeting an ally hero. After 4 seconds, the hero is teleported to the Ignis... that's right... free travel... the ignis shouldn't be damaged while doing this or else the channeling will be interrupted... and the hero can freely move while waiting to be teleported

  • Clockwerk was nerfed again stat wise, not sure.

  • Chakra magic was changed also, at lvl 4 85 mana cast, 16s cooldown, restores 300 mana, instant cast, no buffs added (hp regen, + dmg, like it was before)

  • Tangos got modified too (i don't know if it is a buff or a nerf)

  • Tango now 3 charges which heal 115 hp over 16 seconds.

  • BKB recipe now 1300, but now use mithril hammer instead of broadsword

  • New Hero!!!

  • Captain Coco, Admiral Proudmoore

  • The most noticable skill is using a ghostship to hit the enemies. The other skill self buff, so i'm not sure yet. His first skill when activated make you have splash damage, his third skill still i can't find it yet. His ultimate is mark the spot, i assume that when you got damaged, you instantly return to where you are marking the spot. Still not sure if this hero will be implemented

Saturday, August 9, 2008

DotA 6.54b Map Free Download



DotA 6.54b Map Free Download


Making Life a Celebration

DotA Allstars 6.54b Changelogs

  • Fixed an exploit with Borrowed Time

Friday, August 8, 2008

DotA 6.54 Map Free Download



DotA 6.54 Map Free Download


Making Life a Celebration

DotA Allstars 6.54 Changelogs

  • Added extra dynamic replay data to help replay parsers present in-game data (see below)

  • Rebalanced Invoker (see below)

  • Reworked Shadow Priest (see below)

  • Various changes to Phantom Lancer and Spirit Lance (see below)

  • Changes to Aphotic shield and Borrowed Time (see below)

  • Improved hero selection process in RD

  • Added hotkeys for recipe stores

  • Changed Elder Dragon Form MS Bonus from 10/35/60 to a constant 25

  • Changed Freezing Field mechanics a bit. The slow now comes from the area rather than the explosions. Changed the distribution method on Freezing Field as well

  • First Blood bounty is shared with the team if Sent/Scourge get the last hit

  • Untouchable now triggers off being targeted by attacks or spells

  • Rewrote Avalanche to fix various minor bugs

  • Decreased Inner Vitality cooldown from 30 to 25 seconds

  • Lowered Clockwerk's strength gain

  • Lowered early damage on Rocket Flare

  • Added Internationalized text support for GameScore Board, EndScore Board and Observer Board

  • Added extra data to end of replay (Player Gold, Assists, Neutral CS, Items)

  • Improved Bloodrage a little

  • Lowered base armor on Lycan's Wolves from 5 to 2

  • Minor reduction to Clockwerk's base armor

  • Rewrote Maledict for some optimizations

  • Toss no longer uses manacost/cooldown if you make an invalid cast

  • Toss now seeks its target

  • You can now only -kickafk allied afk players

  • Temporarily undid the movability of items in cooldown while some issues are being fixed

  • Phantom Lancer's images now create a dummy Spirit Lance effect when the primary casts it

  • Player turn indicator for RD is made clearer

  • Added extra orb effect notations to items and abilities (228748)

  • Blur visual effect is now applied only to enemies (190092)

  • Changed the name and icon for Flask of Sapphire Water (206885)

  • Illuminate wave now gives vision (226661)

  • Rewrote Devour. It now shows progress bar overhead and doesn't reveal you (217291)

  • Sentinel Ancients buildings are now in rooted model form (216494)

  • Added a new fun mode -mi(miniheroes) that creates the hereos at half size

  • Added a new command to customize water color for local player (-water red, -water blue, -water green or -water default)

  • Displayed gold animation for First Blood bounty

  • Winners are now displayed in Warcraft's score screen (234657)

  • Dummy lineup units in RD now show player name

  • Improved Acid Spray visual effect

  • Increased Spin Web visual transparency

  • Increased the size of the recently added $ symbol for observers and replays

  • New Sonic Wave visual effect

  • New Maledict visual effect

  • New Freezing Field visual effect

  • New Black Hole visual effect

  • New Spirit Lance visual effect

  • New Flask of Sapphire Water visual effect

  • New visual effect for units with Poison Nova buff

  • New Weave cast visual effect

  • Updated Hookshot tooltip

  • Fixed a bug with casting March of the Machines on a cliff (DonTomaso)

  • Fixed a bug with Feral Heart and swapping or repicking

  • Fixed a minor bug with Grow

  • Fixed a bug with Infest and Refresher-Necronomicon

  • Fixed a bug with Melting Strike on Invoker

  • Fixed a bug with Timewalk and Power Cogs

  • Fixed a minor bug with Expulsion

  • Fixed a rare glitch with Time Walk

  • Fixed Armlet typo

  • Fixed a rare bug with Borrowed Time where it sometimes doesn't use cooldown when triggered

  • Fixed Battle Hunger buff tooltip

  • Fixed Bottle activating Mana Leak

  • Fixed Enchant on neutral creeps with initially reduced mana

  • Fixed Feral Heart buff level tooltip

  • Fixed -fs text bug introduce last version

  • Fixed -kickafk warning text not showing up

  • Fixed some issues with Hookshotting someone near trees

  • Fixed some targetting bugs with Lucifer

  • Fixed Stifling Dagger not working properly when it hits a fogged unit

  • Fixed various other tooltip errors

Invoker Changes

  • Invoke levels at 2/7/12/17 with cooldown from 30/30/15/5 to 30/25/12/5 and manacost from 20/40/60/80 to 20/50/80/110

  • Sunstrike: cooldown 60->30, manacost 250->175

  • Deafening Blast: cooldown 25->40

  • Chaos Meteor: cooldown 30->70

  • Forge Spirit: cooldown 70->30, manacost 200->75, casting with ones already on field kills old ones. Improved visual look slightly. If both elements are level 4 or higher, double spawn.

  • Tornado: Airtime from 0.4/0.7/1.0/1.3/1.6/1.9/2.2 -> 0.6/0.85/1.1/1.35/1.6/1.85/2.2 Same final damage, 120 starting damage instead of 190

  • Alacrity: Is now WWE, cooldown 20->15 Duration 5->6, manacost 125->50, Original IAS: 40/60/80/100/120/140/160. New IAS: 30/40/50/60/70/80/90. It now gives damage as well: 20/30/40/50/60/70/80.

  • EMP: changed to pure Wex ability, WWW. 0.5 HP lost for each mana drained. Tweaked various other aspects such as cast range and manacost.

  • Ice Wall: Rescaled duration from 4->10 to 3->12. Improved Exort based damage from 5/10/15/20/25/30/35 to 6/12/18/24/30/36/42

Shadow Priest

  • Changed Shallow Grave completely. It is now a basic ability

  • Changed how Weave works. It is now an ultimate

  • Reduced Shadow Priest's cast point

  • Shadow Wave can now bounce back to you at the last wave if you are in range. Also added an extra bounce at level 3 and 4

Phantom Lancer

  • Reworked Spirit Lance

  • Phantom Lancer images now create a dummy Spirit Lance effect when the real one casts it

  • Lowered Doppelwalk invisibility duration from 12 to 8

  • Increased and Standardized all Phantom Lancer images' percentage of damage taken

  • Lowered maximum image count


  • Improved how Borrowed Time works and increased cooldown

  • Reworked Aphotic Shield stats

New real-time replay data

  • When a hero dies: Hero (d),(k) where d=dead player id and k=kill player id

  • When a chicken dies: Courier(d),(k) where d=dead player id and k=kill player id

  • When tower dies: Tower(a)(l)(s),(k) where a=alliance (0,1 0=sent, 1=scourge) l=level (1,2,3,4) s=side (0=top,1=mid,2=bot) and k=kill player id. for level 4 towers, s=1

  • When rax dies: rax(a)(s)(t),(k) where a=alliance (0,1 0=sent, 1=scourge) s=side (0=top,1=mid,2=bot) t=rax type (0,1 0=melee, 1=range) k=kill player id

  • When Throne gets hurt: Frozen Throne,(p) where p=current percentage hp (75/50/25/10)

  • When Tree gets hurt: World Tree,(p) where p=current percentage hp (75/50/25/10)

  • When a player gets disconnected: CK(k)D(d)N(n),(p) where k=creep kills, d=creep denies, n=neutral kills, p=player id of leaver

Saturday, August 2, 2008

DotA 6.54 Beta Map Free Download


Dota-Allstars 6.54 Beta 13 map leaked. Whoaa, just find another beta map ;p I don't know if this is not a fake, but after testing it, i think it's likely the real one. Cannot find many changelogs, you can try find the changes by yourself.

DotA Allstars v6.54 Beta 13

  • Fixed some Toss anim/sound bugs

  • Fixed Shallow Grave (cd was 200/175/150 not the intended 120/80/40)

  • Rebalanced Aphotic Shield

  • Improved Borrowed Time

  • RD rigged for SP and Abaddon

  • Fixed bonus ava damage doing a little less than it should

  • Fixed Toss working on ancients

  • Player turn indicator for RD has been made more clear (if its not your turn, the color indicators are faded)

PL, Invoker and Tiny don't have to be in EVERY game, but they should be in most of them.
Dazzle and Abaddon should be in every game.
All 5 are rigged for RD.


DotA 6.54 Beta Map Free Download


Making Life a Celebration

Friday, July 18, 2008

DotA 6.53 AI Map AiPlus Rev 003 Free Download

Here is DotA 6.53 AI Map AiPlus Rev 003 Free Download. The new Ai Plus map is finally released. We could try and have fun with the new hero Goblin Clockwerk. Thanks BuffMePlz.


Thursday, July 10, 2008

DotA 6.53 DotA Map Free Download

DotA 6.53 had been released. Warcraft 1.22 patch is up. So, they are fixing all bugs found. Hope you enjoy the new map.


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

DotA 6.52e DotA Map Free Download

DotA 6.52e had been released. Warcraft 1.22 patch is up. So, they are fixing all bugs found. Hope you enjoy the new map.


Friday, June 20, 2008

DotA 6.52d DotA Map Free Download

DotA 6.52d had been released. There is one bug found on DotA 6.52c, which Sylla Bear could duplicate items by denying his Spirit Bear. Look at the video below.

IceFrog is trying to make DotA 6.52 map to be stable map. So, they are fixing all bugs found. Hope you enjoy the new map.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

DotA 6.51 AIplus Map Revision 03 Free Download

The new DotA 6.51 AIplus Map Revision 03 had released.

After a long hiatus, I'm back.

Just uploaded a third revision, changelog is as follows:
-Fixed bug with Voodoo Restoration not costing mana to use
-Fixed speed and stun times on Paralyzing Casks to be the same as in 6.51 and on
-Fixed Silencer dropping his inventory (hopefully)
-Changed the way gold is distributed to Normal AI so that they get the proper amount
-Implemented a temporary fix for Luna using Eclipse (for AI, it behaves like Eclipse in 6.48b)
-Removed N'aix from showing up taverns in -ai and -aa modes
-Added Old Morphling (5.84b) to Fun Tavern
-Added Old Stealth Assassin (5.84b) to Fun Tavern
-Added Normal Gold AI mode -normgold or -ng
-Restored 6.51 pathmap, hopefully this will help with creep pathing issues

As mentioned in my last post like a month ago, the item purchasing system was all screwed up with the Assault Cuirass, and I've fixed it this time...maybe. It's so hard to tell since reports are so varied, but I haven't had problems with this since, so let's hope it works for real this time.

Added a normal gold mode (-normgold or -ng), since I think people really wanted to see that. Like the other modes, it should be typed in the beginning of the game with everything else (i.e. -apng).

Addressed the issues with Witch Doctor I think, as far as I can tell he seems to be working properly.

Normal AIs now get the proper amount of gold, they were getting the same as Insane AIs before...surprise surprise!

I've also restored the 6.51 pathmap using the original 6.51 map, hopefully this will change those pathing issues that people keep mentioning (I'm not really sure what changed exactly so I don't know what to look for).

As for the item purchasing stuff, I've checked, and it seems as though most of the item costs haven't really been changed...I know I only changed the ones that involved recipe reworks. As such, it is possible that some AIs are buying ulti orbs for 2300 and Buriza recipe for 1250 or what not, but I haven't changed it yet. Looking at 6.52, the way AIs purchase items will need to be completely reworked anyway, so I'll deal with it then. That said, now's probably the time to mention which builds need to be altered and which ones don't, so I can address that as it arises.

Note that 6.52's changes are pretty monstrous, so it'll probably be several weeks before I get something out. I should be checking the board more often from now on, so feel free to leave bug reports, feedback, item build suggestions/links to good guides with good item build suggestions, etc. That, or cookies, because cookies are nice too.


Monday, May 5, 2008

DotA 6.52 AI Map Free Download

Looking for DotA 6.52 AI Map for long? Here is the released DotA 6.52 AI Map Free Download.

Hope you enjoy the map

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

DotA 6.52 Beta 4 Free Download

Here is the leaked DotA 6.52 Beta 4 Map, free download. Have fun!

DotA 6.52 Beta 4 Free Download

DotA 6.52 Beta 4 Free Download

DotA 7.01 Ultra Beta 3 April Fool Map Free Download

Looking for a new DotA map? Here is the DotA 7.01 Ultra Beta 3 map, free download. (Though it is for April Fool day 2008 =P)

DotA 7.01 Ultra Beta 3 April Fool Map Free Download

DotA 7.01 Ultra Beta 3 April Fool Map Free Download

Sunday, March 9, 2008

DotA 6.51 AI AIPlus Map Updated Rev2 Free Download

Thanks BuffMePlz again.

He posted on DotA Allstars 6.51 AI+ 1.52


This is a port of RGB's AI+ v1.52 (originally written for DotA Allstars 6.48b).

It behaves the same as the original AI, and has only been updated to account for new item recipes. As such, some new content does not work fully with the AI yet.


Known bugs with AI:
-Sand King doesn't use Epicenter
-Luna doesn't level up Lucent Beam, so Eclipse is very weak
-Lanaya crashes the game

Some commands have yet to be implemented properly:

Additionally, I have added a Fun Tavern in the lower right corner for kicks. Currently includes four legacy heroes (possibly more in the future): Old Invoker, Old Lifestealer, Old Silencer, and Gambler.

To access the fun tavern, type -fun within the first 15 seconds of the game.

Rev. 02
-Fixed bug with Crystal Maiden and Aghanim's Scepter
-Fixed bug with Invoker swap
-Fixed spell effect on Split Earth
-Gold is now properly distributed in -em mode
-Implemented -apm
-Implemented -swapall
-Updated -roll to show the range
-Updated -cs to show neutrals killed
-AI should now properly use Eul's
-AI should now properly get Lothar's


Here is the Updated DotA 6.51 AIPlus Map, Free Download:
DotA 6.51 AIplus Map Revision 02 Free Download

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

DotA 6.51 AI Map AIPlus Bugs Report

Do you have DotA 6.51 AI Map AIPlus?
If you don't, you could download it at here.

There is one bug I found on Drow Ranger.

If you all have any bugs found, please report it here

Lastly, don't forgot the How to easily win 5 insane enemies?

Having dota-ing =)

Thursday, February 28, 2008

DotA 6.51 AI Map AIPlus Free Download

Thanks BuffMePlz again.

He posted this on DotA Allstars 6.51 AI+ 1.52

He says,

After spending about 14 hours programming last night, I think the first revision for this port is finally done. As far as I know, all of the new hero/item content is in and works fine for both humans and AI (yes, AI Visage and Drow and PA get their new abilities and they work). New item recipes work as expected, and AI has been modified to get the proper items in order to build them (Eul's, Guinsoo's, Battle Fury).

Fun tavern is still in, though it looks different. Deal with it. Currently contains Old Invoker, Old Lifestealer, Old Silencer, and Gambler. Maybe adding more later, they actually don't increase map size as much as everybody thinks they do (except for Gambler, since he has his own special buttons that I needed to add).

Assists work, singledraft works, -clear and -courier work, new creep camps work, bottles work, Invoker works...things work. Most of them, anyway.

Things that DON'T work:
-ah (why would you be hacking on an AI map anyway?)
-swapall (will do this one later, I don't feel like it right now)

Some bugs that were addressed with Last Word going off on various spells have not been addressed yet as of this revision. I'll do it later.

New Impale code works fine, but I haven't addressed the issues with new Impale + Omnislash/Voodoo Restoration. Also to be done later.

Eclipse still ministuns. I'll address that later. It does properly level up with Lucent Beam now though.

I haven't disabled -unstuck, since I find it to be useful.

I've changed the hero selection code a bit so (in theory) the AI should never pick Lanaya, Nai'x, or Kael. You can, of course, force the AI to pick these heroes but they won't do anything and will probably be easy to kill. Except for Lanaya, who will probably kill your game. Note that this is only for modes in which the computer picks, so using -ar or -tr may still cause them to pick these heroes.

Post bug reports here. I probably won't be doing anything on this map for at least another two weeks after my programming splurge, so hopefully this should be good enough for a while. Unless somebody finds something COMPLETELY which case then I might do something about it sooner.

Will fix aforementioned bugs in Revision 2, along with whatever you guys report. Might add Old Morphling to Fun Tavern, or whoever else people might want to see. But not all the old heroes, that's ridiculous and will take more time than I have ever. =P


DotA 6.51 AIplus Map Revision 02 Free Download

Monday, February 25, 2008

DotA AI Maps - How to easily win 5 insane enemies?

Choices of heroes

There are some choices of heroes, which could easily win 5 insane enemies.

For example,



You need some basic (should have said, advanced) skills, such as farming, good timing for casting skills, etc.


There are some good items, depends on your choice of hero and of course the enemies' heroes.

For example,

Boot of Travel (good to have for all hero)
Divine Rapier (for attacker, normally only attackers could 1 on 5 insanes)
Heart of Terrasque (for higher HP and HP regens)
Satanic (good vampire percentage)
Hood (for magic resistance, if enemies are mages)
Assault Cruise (for attacker as well)
Butterfly (evasion and attack speed)
Black King Bar (depends, if enemies are mages)
Crow (could make some differences)

If you have some good opinions, feel free to share around...

Sunday, February 24, 2008

DotA 6.51 AI Maps Free Download using DAII

Same as the earlier DotA 6.50b AI using DAII this DotA 6.51 AI Maps ubing DAII is also not as good as RGB's

But it is good for us to play around with it. =)

DotA 6.51 AI Maps Free Download using DAII

DotA 6.51 Free Download and Changelog from GetDota

Download from this link

Or DotA Maps

6.51 Changelog
* Fixed a bug with Kellen's Dagger that caused it to sometimes not get disabled when hit
* Fixed Land Mines tooltip
* Increased cast range of Kelen's Dagger
* Undid previous Bottle changes. Bottle now works as follows: Costs 600 gold, does not require mana to refill, auto-fills it when you are near fountain, rune refills it to full, resells at 50% like normal, purchasable at base only, regenerates less than previously, has no usage cooldown.
* Fixed Medusa's Mana Shield from triggering Essence Aura
* Fixed Searing Arrows' tooltip
* Changed Hyperstone purchase hotkey to fix a conflict
* Fixed a bug with Invoker when creating illusions
* Updated Kelen's Dagger tooltip
* Undid some of Morphling's base damage buff from last version
* Fixed Bloodrage tooltip
* Fixed Pulse Nova and Invoker's Reagents from triggering Last Word
* Smokescreen interrupts teleportation once again
* Color coded Invoker's spell descriptions (203050)
* Improved Sange's percentage and Yasha's percentage, and lowered the recent buff on S&Y a little
* Fixed Vladmir's Offering sell cost
* Increased Counter Helix chance by 2%
* Minor bonus armor in True Form
* Improved the effect timing on Split Earth (187877)
* -swapcancel code is triggered when a swap is successful (to prevent other accidental swaps)
* Improved Shuriken Toss cast range
* Added new Backtrack icon (183079)
* Changed Battlefury recipe slightly
* Lowered Poof casting time from 2 to 1.5 seconds
* Lowered Elder Dragon Form's manacost and cooldown a little
* Added neutrals field to -cs
* Changed Phantom Edge's secondary ability from evasion to magic resistance
* Replaced Phantom Assassin's Shadow Strike with a different similar ability (132694)
* Fixed a minor coding bug with Time Lapse
* Fixed Impale based spells from moving Juggernaut during Omnislash
* Added new icon for Melting Strike
* Reduced some lag with Invoker
* Fixed level 1 March of the Machines doing slightly less damage than intended
* Removed stock cooldown on Ironwood Branch
* Added a new system that tracks when you help an ally kill a hero (no gameplay ramifications at this point)
* -swap is now allowed in -sd
* Fixed some minor neutrals' vision and pathing glitches
* Lowered level 1 and 2 cast range on Replicate
* Lowered Phantom Assassin's cast animation time
* Fixed a bug with Exorcism's cooldown after leveling Witchcraft
* Fixed some issues with -ah
* Refined how some kill related messages and sounds are shown
* Increased mana regeneration on Perseverance by 25%
* Lowered Buriza recipe by 250 gold
* Changed Voodoo Restoration to heal over a smoother interval (same total regen)
* Lowered Manta Style's cooldown a bit
* Fixed a bug with Voodoo Restoration and Impales
* Fixed a bug with invoker in -spreverse
* Fixed some inconsistencies with tower visions (TheLoneWolf14)
* Increased duration of Lycanthrope's wolves a bit and allowed them to attack air
* Temporarily disabled -unstuck command

Download from this link

Or DotA Maps

Saturday, February 23, 2008

DotA 649 - Killed Owned Kael Invoker by 3 heroes

Yet, this is another movie about killing Kael the Invoker.

Different from the previous post - Ursa Solo, they used three heroes - Ursa, Prophet (Furion), Phantom Assasin to finish to job. It not very special but worth to have a watch.

Here is the movie.

Friday, February 22, 2008

DotA 6.49c AI Map AIPlus 1.52 Revision 7

6.49c AIPlus 1.52 Revision 7 is the current best AI map I can find. Description and changelog is quoted from BuffMePls's Post.

Great Job BuffMePls. Thanks a lot =)

Rev. 02: Fixed the texture on Templar Assassin's Psionic Traps, they should show up properly now.

Rev. 03: Fixed the infinite bottle bug.

Rev. 04: Fixed the dummy unit casting bug (hopefully), Siege Golems when using supercreeps, and picking from the Fun Tavern when -fun is not activated.

Rev. 05: Zeus's ult works, tree model restored, other tooltips corrected. AI Earthshaker now properly uses Fissure. Fixed bug with Bottled Runes. Added Old Silencer to Fun Tavern.

Rev. 06: Fixed Juxtapose and Doppelwalk.

Rev. 07:
-Power Treads now properly update on Meepo
-Fixed Dark Rift
-Changed the way AI dummy caster units work to prevent computer from controlling them and unnecessarily casting things they ought not to, which will hopefully fix the self-destructing AI problem.
-Added Gambler to the fun tavern.
-Reduced load and lag time on the map overall (I hope)

He says,

Yeah, so I spent the long weekend porting lazyfiend's latest AI to the most recent version of DotA. Hopefully this will allow many of you who have been wanting to play the newest version of the map with some very well programmed bots.

I've imported all of the 6.49c content to the best of my ability, and have updated the AI bots so that they properly get Power Treads (the Agility version, it makes it easier), Vladmir's Offering, and Monkey King Bar, since the latest version changed the way these items were built. Aside from that, the AI has been unchanged, so it's still prone to any bugs that may have existed in the 6.48b version.

The AI probably has no means of determining how to play the new N'aix, and I didn't try to make it do something with it. Fortunately RGB did add a way to force the computer players to repick if necessary, so be sure to utilise it if they pick N'aix. Additionally, the AI will not try to get Orchid's Malevolence or Shiva's Guard, so if you're trying to figure out how to counter builds with these items, you're out of luck unless you play online.

Aside from that, I've added a little something special for everyone, but I'll let you see that for yourself. It's the product of a long project that got me into playing around with JASS and these maps in the first place. Just type in "-fun" to access the Fun Tavern and see for yourself.

Remember, that's


This is still AI+ version 1.52 because I'm not presumptuous enough to claim that I've actually updated anything. I just wanted to share this with the community because I feel like it's something that everybody can use/want, and maybe to stop all the messaging to lazyfiend for a 6.49c AI+ map.

So have fun and enjoy. If I do make any updates it will just be to the Fun Tavern, or to bugs specific to this version.

Thanks to lazyfiend for his hard work on this AI.


Download Link:
DotA 6.49c AI Map AIPlus 1.52 Revision 7

Thursday, February 21, 2008

DotA 6.50 6.50b - The new hero - Kael the Invoker Guide

The Invoker

Kael - The Invoker Strategy Guide!

These are some more detailed skill explanation:

DotA 6.50b - Invoker Exhibition Pt.1 - Sun Strike & Meteor

DotA 6.50b - Invoker Exhibition Pt.2 - Ghost Walk & Ice Wall

DotA 6.50b - Invoker Exhibition Pt.3 - Deaf. Blast & Spirits

Thanks all the creators of these movies, and of cos thanks youtube.

Hope we all could master this new hero - Kael the Invoker.

DotA 6.50b AI using DAII

DAII maps are not as good as RGB AIplus maps. So do not put high expectations on this map. By the way, this is a good map for you to play with Invoker =)

DotA 6.50b AI using DAII

Maps can be downloaded at my previous post.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

GetDota 6.50b Changelog

Maps can be downloaded at my previous post.

6.50b Changelog
* Fixed a bunch of bugs reported

Maps can be downloaded at my previous post.


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

DotA 6.50 - Bug on Kael the Invoker

There are some bugs if you swapped Invoker with other hero in the beginning of the game. Invoker would have 5 (or 6?) active skills at Level 1. The video shows the Invoker could use Chaos Meteor, Deafening Blast and Tornado.

By the way, IceFrog updated the version into 6.50b on the following day of releasing 6.50

Have a nice watch with the bug! =)

Monday, February 18, 2008

GetDota 6.50 Changelog

Maps can be downloaded at my previous post.

6.50 Changelog

Hero Changes:
* Removed manacost on Mana Shield activation
* Changed Leap's cooldown to scale with levels
* Improved Juggernaut's movement speed
* Implemented a better silencing mechanism in the Black Hole area to prevent spell execution regardless of cast animation time
* Lowered Drow Ranger's Agility gain per level
* Changed Drow Ranger's Marksmanship ultimate
* Increased Morphling's base damage
* Macropyre's cooldown no longer increases per level
* Added an extra bounce to Chain Frost
* Reduced Sprint's damage amplification
* Increased Maledict's area of effect by 15
* Changed Spectre's Dispersion
* Redesigned Visage
* Improved casting range on Acid Spray
* Changed how Song of the Siren levels up
* Reduced cooldown on high level Shapeshift
* Improved armor on Enigma's Eidolons
* Reduced Expulsion's cooldown and manacost
* Improved Keeper of the Light's attack animation
* Improved Scattershot's damage range from 10-35 to 20-35
* Improved Alchemist's base Intelligence and growth
* Slightly improved Psi Blades' spill width and range
* Improved Chemical Rage
* Increased Phantom Lancer's Strength gain
* Increased cooldown on Psionic Trap from 7 to 14 seconds
* Improved lifesteal on level 2 and 3 Insatiable Hunger
* Reduced Replicate's manacost and cooldown
* Improved Troll's base movement speed
* Decreased Rampage's movement speed bonus and cooldown
* Improved Spirit Bear's Demolish
* Increased Lightning Storm's cooldown by 2 seconds
* Reduced cooldown on level 4 Metamorphosis from 135 to 110 seconds
* Reduced Lina's movement speed by 5
* Improved Sand Storm
* Reduced the slow on Epicenter
* Improved range on Drow Ranger's Trueshot Aura
* Improved cooldown progression on Insatiable Hunger
* Reduced Sven's base armor
* Improved Enigma's movement speed
* Modified initial projectile speed and effect on Paralyzing Casks
* Improved Enfeeble
* Improved Auto Fire's area of effect and duration
* Reduced Queen of Pain's Blink range at early levels
* Improved Earthshaker's movement speed
* Zombies now give a bit less bounty
* Reduced Gravechill's cooldown a bit
* Increased Primal Roar's cooldown a little bit
* Eclipse's damage is based on Lucent Beam level and doesn't ministun
* Lucent Beam ministun duration increases per level (0.6 level 4 up from a constant 0.01)
* Lowered Eclipse's manacost and gave it constant cooldown progression
* Increased Lucent Beam's casting range and lowered manacost slightly
* Improved cast range on Expulsion and Fire Storm
* Improved Ravage a little (it became slightly less effective with the Impale recodes)
* Reverse Polarity's cooldown is now the same on all levels
* Changes Queen of Pain's blink cooldown from 12/9/7/5 to 12/10/8/6 seconds
* Removed true sight from Spin Web
* Added some extra movement bonus on higher level Spin Web
* Improved Keeper of the Light's movement speed
* Improved Storm Spirit's base armor
* Lowered Mirror Image's cooldown slightly
* Improved slow on Drunken Haze
* Improved movement bonus on Witchcraft
* Lowered Searing Arrows' cooldown
* Improved Reaper's Scythe's leveling a bit
* Changed Purification's damage type to Pure
* Lowered Axe's starting Agility and increased his starting Strength
* Lowered Death Coil's cooldown
* Improved Undying's base armor
* Improved Meepo's base Strength
* Rebalanced Pit of Malice
* Increased AOE on Firestorm
* Reduced the search area for Omnislash
* Changed Bloodrage's stats a bit
* Lowered level 1 Mana Void's manacost
* Lowered Exorcism's damage return threshold and cooldown
* Restored Bone Fletcher's old Wind Walk speed bonus
* Lowered Geminate's attack cooldown
* Slightly improved how Medusa's Purge levels

Item Changes:
* Redesigned Eul's Scepter of Divinity
* Redesigned Orchid Malevolence
* Redesigned Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse
* Added cooldown to Bottle usage and reduced its sell cost
* Bottle is in full state at all the side shops once again
* Changed how Dagger of Escape works. It cannot be activated if you took damage in the last 3 seconds.
* Added Hyperstone to the Goblin Shop
* Changed Unholy Rage's lifesteal type to be the same as regular lifesteal
* Reduced price on Ultimate Orb
* Added Ring of Health to the Goblin Shop
* Added Quarterstaff to the Goblin Shops
* Increased Perseverance's damage from 7 to 10
* Added Javelin to the Goblin Shops
* Removed the stack restriction on Shiva's Guard
* Improved Vanguard a little
* Changed Lothar's Edge's recipe and stats
* Reduced Vladmir's Offering recipe cost
* Reduced Linken's Sphere's cooldown
* Removed stacking restriction from Bloodstone and improved its stats
* Improved Helm of the Dominator damage from 10 to 20
* Improved Oblivion Staff mana regen by 25%
* Quarterstaff price reduced
* Hand of Midas can now target level 6 Neutrals (Satyr Hellcaller and Dark Troll Warlord)
* Reduced Void Stone's cost by 25 gold
* Improved casting range per level of Dagon upgrade
* Improved Sange and Yasha
* Removed Flying Courier Mana and gave it a Mana base upgrade ability
* Wards now require 5 mana to be placed
* Reduced animation time and cooldown on Manta Style
* Ring of Health's regeneration increased by 1

Neutral Related:
* Change some of the Scourge's top left forest area
* Changed the locations and distribution of neutral creep camp groups
* Fixed neutral spawn times in various modes
* Reworked the trees and pathing near the small Sentinel creep camp
* Increased neutral creep Centaur's aura by 5%
* Added an Alpha Wolf with a command aura in the wolves' creep camp
* Added a new creep camp group (1 Ghost with Frost Attack + 2 Fel Beasts)
* Added a new ancient creep camp group (Jungle Stalkers)
* Added a new creep camp group (1 Enraged Wildken with Tornado + 2 Wildkins)
* Added a new creep camp group (1 Dark Troll Warlord with Raise Dead and 1.5 sec Ensnare + 2 Dark Trolls)
* Changed the Furbolg's Stomp to a Clap
* Improved Satyr Hellcaller's Unholy Aura
* Neutral Ogre no longer autocast Frost Armor
* Changed the location of some of the Scourge creep camps
* Redid neutral creep spawner code for some optimizations

Bug Fixes:
* Recoded impale based effects completely, fixing various ramp bugs, stacking issues and a lot of rare problems. (Burrowstrike, Impale (Lion), Impale (Nerubian Assassin), Ravage)
* Fixed Land Mines to properly detect floating heroes
* Fixed a problem with Huskar's Burning Spears that would cause him to swing incorrectly when the enemy is moving
* Fixed some bugs with Wild Axes
* Fixed some color issues on the load screen (kunkka)
* Couriers can no longer use Scroll of Town Portal to make buildings invulnerable
* Fixed Dark Rift from initiating cooldown when cast incorrectly
* Fixed a bug introduced in the recent Aghanim's Scepter changes on Crystal Maiden
* Fixed Last Word triggering off of Linken's Sphere's usage
* Fixed Berserker Rage triggering Essence Aura
* Insatiable Hunger, God's Strength and Rampage are no longer removed by Cyclone
* Fixed Javelin's odds being slightly off
* Fixed an issue with the Cheese drop from Roshan
* Fixed an issue with Forest Troll High Priest's pathing scale
* Fixed some text display problems when viewing replays (thanks DonTomaso)
* Fixed a very minor bug with Elder Form's duration
* Fixed Armlet of Mordiggian's recipe cooldown
* Fixed typo on Psi Blades
* Fixed some creep death time discrepancies (188461)
* Fixed a very minor bug with the damage mechanism on Shukuchi
* Fixed a display bug with Mode Random
* Fixed a possible abuse with Helm of the Dominator
* Fixed Overload from using its charge when attacking an allied unit
* Fixed Last Word from turning off Electric Rave

* Remade Invoker as promised in 6.49
* Added a new game mode -singledraft or -sd (swiss)
* Improved Sentinel creep pathing on top Sentinel lane
* Adjusted starting gold between all game modes like ap/xl/rd/sd to be the same (all the same as xl) and for randoms to be like ar. Gold is now give at the start and income starts with the first creep wave.
* Income is now distributed in 1 gold intervals instead of in 8 gold intervals (same total gold)
* Added a new experimental command -ah
* Added a new system to detect replays used in -ah and other future applications (thanks PandaMine)
* Changed how the secondary shops work. You can now see their location and click them while in fog.
* Added new visual effect for Orchid Malevolence's Soul Burn (JetFango)
* -roll now shows the range the person entered (188889)
* Added a new command -clear to clear game messages from your screen
* Reduced model size and changed the look of the non-ancient Golems
* Added a new command -apm to show your actions per minute
* Couriers can now disassemble items (161180)
* Added text descriptions for power ups (68307)
* Delayed the creep spawn time by 30 seconds in -vr
* Made "Helm of Iron Will" item name consistent between recipes and core, using Helm instead of Helmet.
* Centered swap request notice is given to a player (182779)
* Added -afk that displays how long each player has been idle for
* Added a conditionally available -kickafk command to boot players that have been idle for more than 10 minutes (171984)
* Necronomicon icon now changes per level (190183)
* Changed durations of some power ups (Haste 45->30, Illusion 60->75, Regen 45->30)
* Moon Wells now gather water during night and get drained during day. This has no gameplay impact (60920)
* Added new tooltip text on items showing if they can be disassembled
* Improved tooltip for observer wards to detail the stock mechanics
* Added a new command -courier that toggles idle courier icon on and off (Ro-Coco)
* Added a new command -swapall to request to swap for any hero (175040)
* Improved Shackles caster effect
* Added an additional constant (7) Mana regeneration to Fountains
* Removed replenish interval from buying Clarity Potion (like tangos now)
* Changed Heartstopper pure damage type to HP loss (not a nerf or a buff, just works with things like dagger in a more desirable way)
* Improved Electric Rave icon (169997)
* Improved Luna's orb warning message (113338)

A lot of work has been done on developing a system for seamlessly translating DotA to other languages. Thanks to Danat for his help and support on it and to the new translators that have signed up. Once the initial language translation is complete, I will make a post to recruit people that wish to translate into other languages.

Maps can be downloaded at my previous post.


Sunday, February 17, 2008

Tutorial to solve your 1.21b Warcraft Patch Problems

A lot of people have been reporting problems after updating their Warcraft to 1.21b. If your game is crashing after the patch, the best thing to do is to download the full 1.21b patch from If that doesn't work, uninstall and do a fresh new install. Alternatively, you could either ask for help on our forum tech support section or by emailing blizzard support directly.

Sourced from: 1.21b Warcraft Patch Problems?

Thursday, January 31, 2008

DotA Heroes Guides - Ursa Warrior

Ursa Warrior

Ursa Warrior

Before the invasion of the Scourge, a race of intelligent bears called furbolgs cultivated a quiet spiritual society deep in the heart of Azshara. With most of their kind murdered and corrupted by the Undead, the normally isolated furbolgs were forced to flee to the Sentinel for protection. In return, the furbolgs have sent their mightiest Ursa Warrior into battle on the Sentinel behalf. Enraged by the defilement of his people's sacred land, Ulfsaar is able to channel his fury into a series of extremely quick and brutal swipes, using his razor-sharp claws to overpower his foes and literally tear them apart.

Hero Abilities

Earthshock Earthshock

Slams the ground, dealing damage to and slowing the movement speed of nearby enemy land units.
Lasts 4 seconds.

Level 1 - 70 damage, 25% slow.
Level 2 - 120 damage, 35% slow.
Level 3 - 170 damage, 45% slow.
Level 4 - 220 damage, 55% slow.

Cooldown: 7 seconds.

Level 1: 75 mana, 7 sec cooldown.
Level 2: 75 mana, 7 sec cooldown.
Level 3: 75 mana, 7 sec cooldown.
Level 4: 75 mana, 7 sec cooldown.

Personally, I do not think this skill is useful in early game, unless you could not farm well, you can go for this skill. After max Fury Swipes and Overpower, you can start adding this skill. This skill could slow enemy down, very effective with Overpower, Fury Swipes and Enrage.

Overpower Overpower

Sends Ulfsaar into a rage until he can expend his energy on a target. Lasts 15 seconds or 5 attacks.

Level 1 - 100% increased attack speed.
Level 2 - 200% increased attack speed.
Level 3 - 300% increased attack speed.
Level 4 - 400% increased attack speed.

Cooldown: 10 seconds.

Level 1: 45 mana, 10 sec cooldown.
Level 2: 55 mana, 10 sec cooldown.
Level 3: 65 mana, 10 sec cooldown.
Level 4: 75 mana, 10 sec cooldown.

This is a useful skill, with Fury Swipes and Enrage, Ursa Warrior could make high damage output for killing heroes, as well as farming very fast in neutral creeps.

Fury Swipes Fury Swipes

Each attack opens the wound deeper in the target, causing subsequent attacks to deal increased damage.

Level 1 - 6 bonus damage per attack.
Level 2 - 12 bonus damage per attack.
Level 3 - 18 bonus damage per attack.
Level 4 - 24 bonus damage per attack.

Orb effect.


This is a useful skill as well. Every attack stacks 24 bonus damage, in other word, the more attacks Ursa Warrior made, the more damage it stacks. This is the main skill for solo-ing Kael the Invoker.
* Beware of the Orb effect. Does not stack with Battlefury as well.

Enrage Enrage

When activated, greatly increases Ulfsaar's damage based on his current life.

Level 1 - 4% of Ulfsaar's current life is dealt in damage.
Level 2 - 5% of Ulfsaar's current life is dealt in damage.
Level 3 - 6% of Ulfsaar's current life is dealt in damage.

Cooldown: 25 seconds.

Level 1: 0 mana, 25 sec cooldown.
Level 2: 0 mana, 25 sec cooldown.
Level 3: 0 mana, 25 sec cooldown.

Powerful skill. I will normally make two Heart of Tarasque with Ursa Warrior, and will have more than 4k HP. With Level 3 Enrage, the bonus damage will be more than 240 ( 4k x 6% ), it is like a free Divine Rapier. Besides killing heroes, Enrage is good for farming in neutral creeps, as it requires 0 mana. With Enrage and Overpower, we could solo first roshan at Level 7 with a Vanguard.

How to play this hero?

Skill Points

Level 1: Earthshock (Good for escaping, and farming for sometimes)
Level 2: Fury Swipes
Level 3: Fury Swipes
Level 4: Overpower
Level 5: Fury Swipes
Level 6: Enrage
Level 7: Fury Swipes (Can start farming in neutral creep with good killing speed)
Level 8-10: Overpower (Max)
Level 11: Enrage
Level 12~14: Earthshock
Level 15: Stat
Level 16: Enrage (Max)
Level 17~25: Stat


Starting I will suggest to get two or three Circlet and some Ancient Tangos. With Fury Swipes, it will not be very tough to farm. Try to get Vanguard at Level 6 or 7, after combined Vanguard, you could go solo Roshan.

The way of soloing roshan
Normally after the first hit you made on Roshan, he will throw a stun on u. So, just normal attack him a hit. After his stun, walk a bit backward and cast Overpower. When overpower is cooling down (around 6 o'clock), walk forward and try to attack him (before attacking, cast Enrage). When overpower is done, cast it again. Try to make all attack with Overpower and Enrage, it helps to kill roshan fast, which mean the lesser damage you need to tank. Repeat the steps, you can definitely defeat(solo) Roshan.

After Vanguard, my suggestion is, get a Boot of Speed (Power Thread is not a must, because later on you could make Boot of Travel) and follow by Reaver, Vitality Booster, Heart of Tarasque.

Another option, you could go for Dagger of Escape or Lothar Edge.

When you some basic items, you could kill quite easily with teamates' supports.

For next items, you could go for Boot of Travel. And following by another Heart of Tarasque or Butterfly

For expert player or with good supported teamates, you could go for Divine Rapier.

* Beware of Orb Effect. Battlefury does not stack as well.

Monday, January 28, 2008

DotA Tutorial - Heroes Guides

Sentinel Taverns

Morning Tavern

Vengeful SpiritLord of the OlympiaEnchantressMorphing
Crystal MaidenRogue KnightNaga SirenEarthshaker
Stealth AssasinLone DruidSlayerJuggernaut

Sunrise Tavern

SilencerTreant ProtectorEnigmaKeeper of the Light
Ursa WarriorOgre MagiTinkerProphet
Phantom LancerStone GiantGoblin TechiesHoly Knight

Dawn Tavern

BeastmasterTwin Head DragonAlchemistPriestess of the Moon
Storm SpiritSacred WarriorTemplar AssassinFaerie Dragon

Light Tavern

Moon RiderDwarven SniperTroll WarlordShadow Shaman
BristlebackPandaren BrewmasterCentaur WarchiefBounty Hunter
Dragon KnightAnti-MageDrow RangerOmniknight

Scourge Taverns

Midnight Tavern

Soul KeeperTormented SoulLichDeath Prophet
Demon WidthVenomancerMagnataurNecro\'lic
Chaos KnightLycanthropeBroodmotherPhantom Assassin

Evening Tavern

GorgonNight StalkerSkeleton KingDoom Bringer
Nerubian AssassinSlithereen GuardQueen of PainBone Fletcher
Faceless VoidNetherdrakeLightning RevenantLifestealer

Twilight Tavern

OblivionTidehunterBane ElementalNecrolyte
ButcherSpiritbreakerNerubian WeaverShadow Fiend
Sand KingAxeBloodseekerLord of Avernus

Dust Tavern

SpectreWitch DoctorObsidian DestroyerWarlock
GeomancerShadow PriestPit LordUndying
Dark Seer