Friday, June 20, 2008

DotA 6.52d DotA Map Free Download

DotA 6.52d had been released. There is one bug found on DotA 6.52c, which Sylla Bear could duplicate items by denying his Spirit Bear. Look at the video below.

IceFrog is trying to make DotA 6.52 map to be stable map. So, they are fixing all bugs found. Hope you enjoy the new map.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

DotA 6.51 AIplus Map Revision 03 Free Download

The new DotA 6.51 AIplus Map Revision 03 had released.

After a long hiatus, I'm back.

Just uploaded a third revision, changelog is as follows:
-Fixed bug with Voodoo Restoration not costing mana to use
-Fixed speed and stun times on Paralyzing Casks to be the same as in 6.51 and on
-Fixed Silencer dropping his inventory (hopefully)
-Changed the way gold is distributed to Normal AI so that they get the proper amount
-Implemented a temporary fix for Luna using Eclipse (for AI, it behaves like Eclipse in 6.48b)
-Removed N'aix from showing up taverns in -ai and -aa modes
-Added Old Morphling (5.84b) to Fun Tavern
-Added Old Stealth Assassin (5.84b) to Fun Tavern
-Added Normal Gold AI mode -normgold or -ng
-Restored 6.51 pathmap, hopefully this will help with creep pathing issues

As mentioned in my last post like a month ago, the item purchasing system was all screwed up with the Assault Cuirass, and I've fixed it this time...maybe. It's so hard to tell since reports are so varied, but I haven't had problems with this since, so let's hope it works for real this time.

Added a normal gold mode (-normgold or -ng), since I think people really wanted to see that. Like the other modes, it should be typed in the beginning of the game with everything else (i.e. -apng).

Addressed the issues with Witch Doctor I think, as far as I can tell he seems to be working properly.

Normal AIs now get the proper amount of gold, they were getting the same as Insane AIs before...surprise surprise!

I've also restored the 6.51 pathmap using the original 6.51 map, hopefully this will change those pathing issues that people keep mentioning (I'm not really sure what changed exactly so I don't know what to look for).

As for the item purchasing stuff, I've checked, and it seems as though most of the item costs haven't really been changed...I know I only changed the ones that involved recipe reworks. As such, it is possible that some AIs are buying ulti orbs for 2300 and Buriza recipe for 1250 or what not, but I haven't changed it yet. Looking at 6.52, the way AIs purchase items will need to be completely reworked anyway, so I'll deal with it then. That said, now's probably the time to mention which builds need to be altered and which ones don't, so I can address that as it arises.

Note that 6.52's changes are pretty monstrous, so it'll probably be several weeks before I get something out. I should be checking the board more often from now on, so feel free to leave bug reports, feedback, item build suggestions/links to good guides with good item build suggestions, etc. That, or cookies, because cookies are nice too.
